Talent Competition - Rules and Regulations
2025 Talent Competition Rules and Regulations
- Entry deadline May 31, 2025
Canada’s National Ukrainian Festival reserves the right to limit entries.
- Age Classification
All ages are as of August 3, 2025 - Entry Fees
Large Group $18.00 per dancer Small Group $18.00 per dancer Trios $20.00 per dancer Duet $25.00 per dancer Solo $25.00 per dancer
- Medals
The decision of the adjudicator is final
Gold 90% – 100% Silver 85% – 89% Bronze 80% – 84% For all dancers, the mark they receive is the medal they earn.
For example: Oksana – 89%, Maria 87%, and Luba 84%. Oksana placed first and was awarded the silver medal since her mark was within the silver range of marks. Maria fell into the silver range as well to receive a silver medal. Luba received a bronze medal.
- Time Limits
Solos Min 1.5 Max 2.0 Minutes Duet Min 2.0 Max 2.5 minutes Trio Min 2.0 Max 3.0 minutes Group Min 2.0 Max 4.0 minutes Hopak Min 4.0 Max 8.5 Minutes Character Min 2.0 Max 5.0 minutes Entries will be penalized marks if time limits are violated. Dancers will be timed from the first movement of the dance to departure off the stage (not including bows). Penalized marks will be based on the discretion of the Adjudicator.
- Age Categories
6 years and under
7 – 9 years of age
10 – 12 years of age
13 – 15 years of age
16 year and older
A group is determined by the average age of all members in the group to the nearest age group.
- Dance Categories
Small Group 4 – 7 dancers
Large Group 8 or more dancers
- Special Awards
There will be TWO categories dancing on mainstage Grandstand Show (TBD) for a chance to win a special award from each of the two categories. The two categories will be the top 3 (three) solo, duet, trios, and top 3 (three) small/large group dance from the whole weekend. Competitors that are chosen will not necessarily be the top marks for those days, they are chosen based on the choice of the adjudicator. More information to follow.
Entry Forms
- All entries must be submitted online no later than May 31, 2025. Any entries received after the deadline date will not be accepted under any circumstances. All entries are on a first come, first serve bases as there are limited spots.
- Schedules will be sent out the first week of July 2025. (Note: Special requests will NOT be accepted under any circumstances). Once the final schedule has been sent out, NO changes will be made under any circumstances.
- Please ensure correct spelling of your dancers and group names that are entered as they will appear in the program.
- There will be no refunds for cancellations.
- Proof of age may be required upon request.
- Videotaping of the participant’s performance for personal use is allowed however is limited to their section of the performances only. Videotaping of other performing acts is not permitted.
- All Decisions made by the adjudicator are final. No one will discuss marks or comments with the adjudicator at any time. Any individuals choosing to ignore this rule will cause the disqualification of all the offending Dance School’s entries. Appeal procedures will be available at the Registration Desk – $ 100.00 per appeal.
- Absolutely no prompting by anyone, including instructors, is permitted or the competition entry will be disqualified.
- Canada’s National Ukrainian Festival Inc. will not be held responsible for any injury to, or damages suffered by participants attending the festival. Participants shall hold harmless Canada’s National Ukrainian Festival Inc. for all losses, claims, suits, or damages that in any way relate to or result from participants’ actions during the festival. CNUF does not accept any responsibility for any lost or stolen items during the festival.
- Participants may enter in as many different classes, categories and/or regions as they wish. Participants may enter in the same category more than once; however, each entry must be of a different region.
- Dance instructors or dancers who dance regularly with pre-professional or semi-professional performing groups are not eligible for competition. Dancers performing on the CNUF Grandstand with a dance group are not eligible to participate in the talent competition.
- The Board of Directors reserves the right to alter any portion of the program if, and when necessary.
- Every effort will be made to ensure that dances will be placed in the proper category and time slot, however it will be to the discretion of the committee if any changes are required.
- Instructors/Directors are responsible for their participant’s punctuality and behavior at the facility at all times. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated and may cause disqualification.
- Instructor(s)/Director(s) only, are allowed to sign out the adjudication sheets, tapes, cued music, and medals at the Medals Station.
- Canada’s National Ukrainian Festival reserves the right to use any photographs that may be taken during the talent competition.
- Any complaints, comments and/or concerns must be directed to the Festival Chairpersons in writing.
- Absolutely no alcohol allowed backstage at the festival square stage during the competitions. Any alcohol consumption will result in dismissal of performer(s) as well as forfeiture of any entry fee(s).
- A water cooler is available backstage for competitor use only.
- All dance selections must be of Ukrainian origin.
- Music will be played at the sound booth. The instructor or designated person will be responsible for getting the music there on time.
- If any laptops, iPods, or iPads are left at the sound booth they are not the responsibility of the sound technician or talent competition. If they are lost or damaged it is your responsibility.
- Digital devices is preferred, if you are using a CD, please ensure that there is only one song per CD and in .wav or mp3 format.
- Performers will receive entry to the grounds for the entire weekend. They will receive a performer band which will give them access to the talent competition and for the entire weekend (August 1, 2 & 3).
- Instructor(s) or (Person in charge) will receive entry to the grounds for the entire weekend. Instructor passes are based on the number of competitors (1 pass per 10 competitors, if needed).
- Additional passes can be purchased through Canada’s National Ukrainian Festival office or directly online at www.cnuf.ca.
- Children 12 and under are admitted free of charge when accompanied by an adult.